The Pharmacology of Next Generation Therapeutics
The PhRMA Foundation and ASPET’s Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics are partnering on a Challenge Award for trainees.

$5,000 Challenge Award for Trainees
The PhRMA Foundation and ASPET’s Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (JPET) are partnering on a Challenge Award competition that will award trainees for outstanding papers addressing the pharmacology of next generation therapeutics.
The PhRMA Foundation will provide the Challenge Award — a prize of $5,000 — to the first author of up to five winning papers, and JPET will publish these accepted manuscripts as part of a special collection. Additionally, the Foundation will pay JPET’s open-access publishing fee for each winning paper.
Deadline: July 1, 2025
- First authors must be graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or clinical residents (e.g., interns, residents, or fellows in medicine or pharmacy). All award money will be distributed to the first author only.
- Papers must be submitted by July 1, 2025.
- Authors must indicate in their cover letter that the paper is for the PhRMA Foundation Challenge Award competition.
- Employees of pharmaceutical companies are allowed to compete but are not eligible to receive award money due to restrictions on provision of financial awards by the Foundation.
JPET is planning a new special collection titled “Pharmacology of Next Generation Therapeutics.”
In recent years, there has been an explosion in FDA-approved therapeutic modalities to treat myriad diseases, including cell therapies, gene therapy, siRNA, mRNA, and T-cell engagers, among others. With novel modalities come new pharmacologic mechanisms of action, PK/PD relationships, and safety considerations.
This special collection will broadly cover original research and minireviews on the pharmacology of novel modalities, both those that have entered the clinic in recent years and those that are still investigational. Manuscripts are encouraged to describe characterization of novel therapeutic classes, evaluation of new modalities in animal models, and characterization of the PK/PD relationship for these therapeutics. Original research articles or minireviews will be considered.
Article proposals, including the title, abstract, significance statement, and full author information, should be submitted to Special collection guest editors Dr. Patrick Glassman and/or Dr. Juliane Nguyen will review the proposals for approval and respond to the authors with comments and suggestions before submission of the full article.
Early submissions are welcomed. All submissions must follow JPET’s Guide for Authors and will undergo the journal’s peer-review process. Authors must indicate in their cover letter that they wish to be considered for the PhRMA Foundation Challenge Award.
All papers accepted for publication by JPET will be published, but only those selected as winners by the PhRMA Foundation will receive the $5,000 Challenge Award and payment for their open-access publication. Challenge Award winners will be determined by members of the Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Committee.
Please direct any Challenge Award eligibility questions to