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Christopher Cadham, MPH

Predoctoral Fellowship in Value Assessment and Health Outcomes Research, 2023 University of Michigan

U.S. Population Preferences for Improving Fairness in Health Policy


When determining the value of health care interventions, it is critical to consider what the public perceives as good value. My research seeks to advance methods for incorporating population preferences into evaluations of health care interventions, specifically looking national preferences around equitable allocation of health resources in the United States.

I will field surveys asking U.S. respondents to make a series of choices between health care programs that target different groups to understand what people consider fair outcomes. I will use this information to develop quantitative weights that reflect national preferences on the extent to which individuals are willing to give up total health gains to improve outcomes for specific groups. Finally, I will demonstrate how these weights can be incorporated into a cost-effectiveness analysis, which will assess the costs and health outcomes of using e-cigarettes to help people quit smoking. This project will show how using novel methods of cost-effectiveness analysis can improve resource allocation and policymaking by promoting population preferences.

I am incredibly grateful to the PhRMA Foundation. This award is not only a recognition of the effort that I have put into my research career, but also a reflection on the necessity of putting equity considerations at the center of health research.

Christopher Cadham

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