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Your first-year progress report is due before your second year of funding begins. It does not need to be lengthy, but it should be comprehensive. The Scientific Advisory Committee will review your report compared to the research plan in your application. Suggestions for your report:

  • Describe what you have accomplished and what you have left to do before your award concludes. Are you on target to accomplish your aims?
  • Explain any challenges you may have experienced. How did you overcome them? What did you learn from them?
  • Share your successes.
  • Include presentations and publications.

Your final progress report is due within 60 days of your award’s conclusion. It does not need to be lengthy, but it should be comprehensive. The Scientific Advisory Committee will review your report compared to the research plan in your application. Suggestions for your report:

  • Did you complete your project? If not, explain why. Will it be completed after the award period concludes? Explain your plans for completion.
  • Explain any challenges you may have experienced. How did you overcome them? What did you learn from them?
  • Share your successes.
  • Include presentations and publications.
  • Include your future career plans and contact information so we can stay in touch with you.

No. Progress reports must be written by the award recipient. They do not need to be lengthy, but they should be comprehensive. 

No, the template that your institution uses is acceptable.  

The PhRMA Foundation uses your photo in our communications materials, including on our website, in our annual report, and on social media. 

Please acknowledge the PhRMA Foundation in any publication or presentation that is supported, in whole or in part, by your award. You can use language similar to that below (inserting your appropriate award and research area).

“This research was supported by a PhRMA Foundation [Predoctoral Fellowship/Postdoctoral Fellowship/Faculty Starter Grant] in [Drug Discovery/Drug Delivery/Translational Medicine/Value Assessment-Health Outcomes Research].”

Please also inform the Foundation of your publications and presentations so we can help promote them through our communications channels.

The PhRMA Foundation’s publication reference identification numbers are:

  • ISNI ID: 0000 0000 9959 8153
  • Crossref Funder ID: 100001797

Yes. Former PhRMA Foundation award recipients may apply for the next level of funding if they meet the eligibility criteria. 

No. If you have already received a PhRMA Foundation postdoctoral fellowship, you are not eligible for a second one. However, you may apply for a PhRMA Foundation faculty starter grant if you meet the eligibility requirements. 

Not formally. The PhRMA Foundation considers our current and former award recipients as ambassadors. The PhRMA Foundation appreciates it when award recipients encourage colleagues to apply, share their experiences, update us when they change jobs, and share our posts on social media. As your career progresses, the PhRMA Foundation may ask you to volunteer to serve on one of our Scientific Advisory Committees or speak on webinars. 

No-cost-extensions (NCE) will be considered. You need to request your NCE before the conclusion of your award. The request should be emailed to and include:

  • Progress made to date on awarded project.
  • Financial statement to date and explanation of how the remaining funds will be spent.
  • Reason for the NCE and what will be completed during the NCE.
  • Length of NCE.

The review process may take up to 10 business days.

Please inform the PhRMA Foundation of your pending leave with approximate dates. Award funding will be deferred during this time and your award period will be extended to accommodate the suspended timeframe. 

Award monies are paid directly to the university to administer the funds. Awards monies from predoctoral/postdoctoral fellowships and faculty starter grants may not be used for fringe benefits or indirect costs.  

The award recipient and university contracts office must adhere to the terms of the agreement that are acknowledged by all parties before funding begins.