Value Assessment and Health Outcomes Research
Postdoctoral Fellowship

$60,000 a year for up to 2 years
The PhRMA Foundation’s Postdoctoral Fellowship in Value Assessment-Health Outcomes Research (VA-HOR) supports individuals (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens) engaged in a multidisciplinary, collaborative research training program at an accredited U.S. university that will extend their credentials in value assessment and/or health outcomes research.
Application portal opens September 9.
Application Deadline: November 15, 2024 @ 12:00 p.m. (noon) ET
Key Dates
Application Portal Opens
Application Deadline
Award Winner Notification
The PhRMA Foundation seeks research proposals that investigate challenges and potential solutions related to evaluating the delivery, safe use, effectiveness, and value (clinical, patient-centered, and economic) of medicines and other health care interventions. Proposals could be empirical analyses or studies addressing methodological aspects of the following areas:
- Clinical outcomes assessments
- Patient-reported and/or patient-centered outcomes, especially for diverse or underserved populations
- Patient health preferences research
- Clinical and economic outcomes using real-world data and analytic tools
- Evaluation and outcomes assessments focused on health equity or unmet need
- Innovative methods for measuring and reporting novel value elements (e.g., clinical, cost, health preference) from different stakeholder perspectives, especially patients
- Development of innovative decision and communication tools
- Patient- and equity-centered value assessment frameworks
- Health policy research
Proposals should incorporate patient engagement at an appropriate level to be considered responsive. A responsive application is one that has already incorporated or will incorporate “active, meaningful, and collaborative interaction between patients and researchers.”
- Applicants (U.S. and non-U.S. citizens) must currently be in a PhD and/or MS degree-granting accredited U.S. university.
- Applicants must have a firm commitment from a research supervisor or sponsor at their university.
- Applicants must hold a PhD, PharmD, MD or appropriate terminal research doctorate. If you do not hold one at the time of application submission, please state in your extended letter when you expect to receive it, as it must be received before funding can begin. Funding can begin as early as April 1, 2025, or as late as December 1, 2025.
- You are not eligible if your doctoral degree was granted before January 1, 2022.
- Applicants who have taken leave from their career (e.g., parenting of a child, childbirth, long-term care of a parent/spouse/child/dependent, personal health issues) that puts them outside of the eligibility time frame can reach out to PhRMA Foundation staff ahead of their application submission to determine their eligibility. The Foundation aims to be flexible and adjust these time frames if appropriate.
- Applicants who are applying for funds to support postdoctoral work in the laboratory where their graduate work was performed will be given lower preference. One of the objectives of this fellowship is to gain new skills and therefore an ideal candidate will be conducting their research in a new laboratory and not where their graduate work was performed.
- The Foundation will not consider multiple applications for the same or similar efforts on the same project. If multiple applicants are submitting proposed efforts on the same project, the efforts must be separate activities and not duplicative. This pertains to applications in all categories of our VA-HOR programs (predoctoral/postdoctoral fellowships and faculty starter grants).
- The PhRMA Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Value Assessment-Health Outcomes Research provides $60,000 in stipend support per year for 12, 18, or 24 months.
- To receive funding beyond the first 12 months, awardees must provide the PhRMA Foundation with a satisfactory progress report upon completion of the first 10 months of funding.
- Funding is conditional upon the awardee’s continued employment with the university in the postdoctoral program, which will be assessed on a quarterly basis prior to payment. Payments will be made directly to the university on behalf of the awardee, with the understanding the university will administer the funds.
- This award is intended solely as a stipend and may not be used otherwise.
- PhRMA Foundation funds may not be used for tuition, fringe benefits, or indirect costs to the university.
- An individual may not simultaneously hold another funding mechanism providing stipend support while the PhRMA Foundation postdoctoral fellowship is active. If necessary, the university may supplement the award to a level that is consistent with other postdoctoral fellowships it currently offers.
- Funding may begin as early as April 1, 2025, or on the first day of any month thereafter, up to and including December 1, 2025.
- A financial report (separate from the 10-month progress report) will be required upon completion of the first 12 months of funding.
- A final progress report and financial report will be required within 60 days of the fellowship’s conclusion.
- Unspent funds are to be returned to the PhRMA Foundation.
- Any changes to the proposed project must be approved by the PhRMA Foundation.
- These funds are non-transferable.
Applications for 2025 awards will open in September 2024.
To start an application, go to the ProposalCentral website at If you are a new user of ProposalCentral, follow the link “Create an Account” and complete the registration process. If you are already a registered user, login with your username and password. If you have forgotten your password, click the “Forgot your Password?” link.
Once you are logged in, please click the “Professional Profile” tab at the top and complete steps 1-11 or update with your current information. Your name, degrees, position/title, academic rank, department, and address will be pulled from this page in ProposalCentral.
Next, select the “Grant Opportunities” tab and a list of applications will be displayed. Find “PhRMA Foundation” and click the “Apply Now” link next to Postdoctoral Fellowship in Value Assessment-Health Outcomes Research.
The following components are included in the application:
1. Applicant’s Biosketch (NIH format)
2. Extended Letter (personal statement)
This is an opportunity to tell us who you are. Include a synopsis of your career, your professional interests, and your desired career path. The letter should not exceed two single-spaced pages (U.S. letter size 8.5” x 11” / .5” margin / 11-point font).
Note: In order to receive a PhRMA Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in VA-HOR, you must hold a PhD, PharmD, or MD degree. If you do not hold one at the time of application submission, please state in your extended letter when you expect to receive it, as it must be received before funding could begin. Funding can begin as early as April 1, 2025 or as late as December 1, 2025.
3. Research Plan
Applicants must prepare a comprehensive description of the research plan and the education and training they will receive. The proposal should be written by the postdoctoral candidate — not copied directly from a sponsor’s proposal. Applicants should use a format similar to that for National Institutes of Health grants.
The proposal should include a specific aims page (one-page limit), followed by a research and training plan (not to exceed eight pages) that describes the rationale, significance, research design and methodology, and preliminary results (if any exist). A bibliography of major references should also be included (bibliographies are not included in the page limit). A project timeline is suggested.
Each application will be reviewed closely to assess the quality of the proposed research, as well as the proposed education and training that will be obtained. The proposal must document the approval of all departments in which the candidate will train via letters from chairs or mentors in these departments.
Required type specifications: U.S. letter size 8.5” x 11” / .5” margin / 11-point font (figures may be provided in a smaller font). The first use of any abbreviation or acronym should be preceded by the full name or description. Submissions that do not meet the specified guidelines for proposal preparation will not be considered for funding.
4. Research Impact Questions
Please answer the following four questions using the template provided in the application portal titled Research Impact Questions.
- How will this project advance the methods used in the fields of value assessment and/or health outcomes research?
- Explain how your proposed level of patient engagement incorporates patients as partners (e.g., reflects patients’ expertise, values, and perspectives).
- How does your proposal address barriers to progress in this space?
- How will the completion of your project bring value to society?
- Are appropriate measures in place to assure compliance with patient privacy and security? Please explain.
5. Stipend Justification
If your institution is supplementing the award to a level that is consistent with other predoctoral fellowships that it currently offers, please upload a “Stipend Justification” explaining why the stipend is being supplemented and at what amount. If not, upload a document stating, “no stipend support.”
6. Other Sources of Funding/Funding Explanation
Upload information about other support this project receives. If no other support, upload a document stating, “No other support has been received or is pending.” Other support includes all financial resources — federal, non-federal, commercial, or institutional — available in direct support of an individual’s research endeavors, including but not limited to research grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, and/or institutional awards. Training awards, prizes, or gifts do not need to be included.
7. Manuscripts/Presentations (if any)
You can upload up to three relevant publications in PDF format.
8. References
Please note that the system will not accept your application unless the letters of support from your references have been successfully uploaded. You are required to submit contact information for the following personnel.
- Research supervisor or sponsor (the person who mentors and authorizes your work in the lab)
- General reference(s) (1-3) who are familiar with you and your scientific career
Once you add their name and contact information to your application, an auto-generated email will be sent to them with instructions on what they should address in their letter of support and a personalized hyperlink where they should upload their letter.
Letters of support should be uploaded before November 15 so you can submit your application by 12:00 p.m. (noon) Eastern Time (ET). We suggest you inform your references in advance of what items should be addressed in their letter of support.
Research supervisor or sponsor should include:
- Their brief biosketch.
- Assessment of the applicant and proposed project.
- Information describing how the department will support the applicant (e.g., funding, space, etc.).
- Description of the education/training of the applicant in value assessment and/or health outcomes research.
- If the applicant does not have a formal background in value assessment and/or health outcomes research, the Sponsor must describe how the applicant will obtain such training as a postdoctoral fellow (e.g., a class, part of a project, etc.). The mechanism and assessment to establish successful training of the applicant must be made clear.
- Information on the training program in value assessment and/or health outcomes research.
- Information on the applicant’s current source of financial support for the proposed project and any pending applications for stipend support. If none are pending, this should be stated.
General reference(s) should include:
- The period of time they have known the applicant and in what capacity.
- Comment on the applicant’s communication and interpersonal skills, and ability to collaborate with peers on research projects.
- Explanation of how this program will be a productive experience for the applicant and why they should be selected.
- If involved in the applicant’s project, an explanation of their roles and responsibilities regarding the project.
REMEMBER to begin your application early so your references have ample time to meet the November 15th deadline.
It is your responsibility that these letters are uploaded. The application portal will permit you to review your application and the status of your letters of support before your final submission. Be sure to check it frequently and do not wait until the last minute.
The application portal will not permit the application to be submitted until the letters of support have been uploaded.
Award notification is in March 2025.